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Simple Er Diagram Of Hospital Management System

ER Diagram for Hospital Management System

This Hospital Management System Database Design has an ER Diagram for Hospital Management System project. This material includes database schema, Data dictionaries, Database Tables and ERD.

What is Hospital Management System Database Design?

The Hospital management system database design is a database design use for managing hospital functions and events. It enables the admin to register a patient for the hospital, stores their disease details into the database. Any of the staff members, doctor & admin is able to add, view, edit, update or delete data.

What is the purpose of Hospital management System database?

The purpose of the Hospital Management System database Design is to make a secure and easy way of storing information of the patient, doctors, inpatient, outpatient, Rooms, and Bill payment.

What are the Features of the Hospital Management System Database Design?

There are seven(7) common features of Hospital Management System Database Design such as Managing Patients, Doctors, laboratory, Inpatient, Outpatient, Rooms, and Hospital Bills information.

ER Diagram Hospital Management System Database Design Project 2020

  • Manage Patients

    This table of ER Diagram Hospital Management System will be used for storing and managing the patient information.

  • Manage Doctor

    This table will be used for storing and managing the Doctor information and login account.

  • Manage Laboratory

    This table will be used for storing and managing the Laboratory transaction.

  • Manage Inpatient

    This table will be used for storing and managing the inpatient information and diagnosis.

  • Manage Outpatient

    This table will be used for storing and managing the inpatient information and diagnosis.

  • Manage Room

    This table will be used for storing and managing the room information and assigning of patient in every room.

  • Manage Bills

    The billing table will be used for managing the statement of accounts per patient and for the collection of bills.

ER Diagram for Hospital Management System with Relationship

This section will show you the ER Diagram for Hospital Management System Project. In the image below you see the actual relationship of all entity.

Diagram of Hospital Management System

ER Diagram for Hospital Management System Project

Figure 8: Proposed SCA Hospital Management System Entity Relationship Diagram

Based on figure 8, the proposed er diagram for hospital management system with relationship shows the entity of the proposed SCA Hospital Management system database, which is presented by tables; the tables are made to meet the required specification of the system and provide much more specific details of each entity within the system.

Table 1: tblPatient

Field Name Description Type Length
patient_id (PK) Patient ID varchar 10
name Patient Name varchar 50
age                Patient  Age int 3
gender Patient Gender varchar 50
address Patient Address varchar 50
disease Patient Disease varchar 50
doctor_id (FK) Doctor ID varchar 20

Table 2: tblDoctor

Field Name Description Type Length
doctor_id (PK) Doctor ID varchar 10
name    Doctor Name varchar 30
age Doctor Age int 3
gender Doctor gender varchar 50
address Doctor Address varchar 50

Table 3: tblLab

Field Name Description Type Length
lab_no (PK) Laboratory Number varchar 10
patient_id (FK)              Patient ID varchar 10
doctor_id (FK)              Doctor ID varchar 10
date              Laboratory  Date Date/Time 10
amount Amount of Lab int 20

Table 4: tblInpatient

Field Name Description Type Length
patient_id (PK) Patient ID varchar 10
room_no (FK) Room Number varchar 50
date_of_adm Date of Admission     Date/Time 10
date_of_dis Date of Discharge     Date/Time 10
lab_no (FK) Laboratory Number varchar 10

Table 5: tblOutpatient

Field Name Description Type Length
patient_id (PK) Patient ID varchar 10
date Date of Outpatient varchar 10
lab_no (FK) Laboratory Number varchar 20

Table 6: tblRoom

Field Name Description Type Length
room_no (PK) Room Number varchar 50
room_type Room Type varchar 50
status Status Of Room varchar 20

Table 7: tblBill

Field Name Description Type Length
bill_no (PK) Patient ID int 11
patient_id (FK) Patient Name varchar 10
doctor_charge                Patient  Age int 10
room_charge Patient Gender int 10
no_of_days Patient Address int            10
lab_charge Patient Disease int 10
bill Doctor ID int 10

If you have any question or suggestion about er diagram hospital management system project , please feel free to contact us or simply leave a comment below.


This Hospital Management System Database Design is a requirement in the DBMS mini Project. if you want to develop your own Hospital Management System, you can upgrade this database design to suit your requirements.

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