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How To Download The Fortnite Stats Bot To Your Discord


Telegram and Discord bot that gets information on Fortnite players

Talk to @fortnite_info_bot on Telegram!

Add the bot to your Discord server!


  1. Clone the repo to your computer.
    $ git clone $                  cd                  fortnite-bot
  2. Install the required dependencies with yarn or npm.
                                          #                    Installs all dependencies with yarn                  $ yarn install                                      #                    If you don't want the dev dependencies                  $ yarn install --prod                                      #                    OR                                      #                    Installs all dependencies with npm                  $ npm install                                      #                    If you don't want the dev dependencies                  $ npm install --only=prod
  3. Go to Fortnite Tracker API and get an API key.
  4. Get a Discord bot token from making a Bot User. This tutorial should help.
  5. Get a Telegram bot token from @BotFather.
  6. Start a Firebase project. This is used for caching Fortnite usernames for the /set command.
  7. Create a file called .env in the repo directory.
  8. Copy/paste the below into the file.
                      TELEGRAM_TOKEN=Token here                  FORTNITE_KEY=Key here                  DISCORD_TOKEN=Token here                  FIREBASE_KEY=Key here                          FIREBASE_URL=                  FIREBASE_ID=your-project-id        
  9. Put your tokens and key where it says to in the config. Do not put quotes around the tokens.
  10. Run the bot.


                              #                Requires dev dependencies to be installed              $ npm              test            


Global Commands

Do /start, /help, or /info to get a list of commands from the bot.

Command Description Usage
/user Get global stats for a player /user <username>
/pc Get global stats for a PC player /pc <username>
/xbox Get global stats for an XBOX player /xbox <username>
/ps4 Get global stats for a PS4 player /ps4 <username>
/season9 or /s9 Get all season 9 stats for a player /season9 <username>

Modes Commands

Command Description Usage
/solo Get lifetime solo stats for a player /solo <username>
/duo Get lifetime duo stats for a player /duo <username>
/squad Get lifetime squad stats for a player /squad <username>
/solos9 Get season 9 solo stats for a player /solos9 <username>
/duos9 Get season 9 duo stats for a player /duos9 <username>
/squads9 Get season 9 squad stats for a player /squads9 <username>

Other Commands

Command Description Usage
/recent Get recent match stats for a player /recent <username>
/rold Get recent match stats for a player (old format) /rold <username>
/compare Compare two players /compare <username1>, <username2>
/rating Get TRN rating stats for a player /rating <username>
/kd Get K/D ratio stats for a player /kd <username>
/winrate or /wr Get win rate stats for a player /winrate <username>
/set Set username to your messaging account /set <username>
/leaderboards Get leaderboard data /leaderboards
/challenges Get current weekly challenges /challenges
/store Get current store items /store
/matches Get match history /matches <username>
/nick Set nickname for a username /nick <nickname>, <username>
/deletenick Delete a nickname that was set /deletenick <nickname>

Deprecated Commands

Command Description Usage
/season3 or /s3 Get all season 3 stats for a player /season3 <username>
/solos3 Get season 3 solo stats for a player /solos3 <username>
/duos3 Get season 3 duo stats for a player /duos3 <username>
/squads3 Get season 3 squad stats for a player /squads3 <username>
/season4 or /s4 Get all season 4 stats for a player /season4 <username>
/solos4 Get season 4 solo stats for a player /solos4 <username>
/duos4 Get season 4 duo stats for a player /duos4 <username>
/squads4 Get season 4 squad stats for a player /squads4 <username>
/season5 or /s5 Get all season 5 stats for a player /season5 <username>
/solos5 Get season 5 solo stats for a player /solos5 <username>
/duos5 Get season 5 duo stats for a player /duos5 <username>
/squads5 Get season 5 squad stats for a player /squads5 <username>
/season6 or /s6 Get all season 6 stats for a player /season6 <username>
/solos6 Get season 6 solo stats for a player /solos6 <username>
/duos6 Get season 6 duo stats for a player /duos6 <username>
/squads6 Get season 6 squad stats for a player /squads6 <username>
/season7 or /s7 Get all season 7 stats for a player /season7 <username>
/solos7 Get season 7 solo stats for a player /solos7 <username>
/duos7 Get season 7 duo stats for a player /duos7 <username>
/squads7 Get season 7 squad stats for a player /squads7 <username>
/solos8 Get season 8 solo stats for a player /solos8 <username>
/duos8 Get season 8 duo stats for a player /duos8 <username>
/squads8 Get season 8 squad stats for a player /squads8 <username>

Optional Platform Flags

You can end any command (except /set, /pc, /xbox, /ps4, /compare, /leaderboards, /challenges, and /store) with pc, xbox, or ps4 to specify the platform to search for the user.

              Example:  /duopc ninja /squads4ps4 AlexRamiGaming                          

Instructions for special /set command

  1. Message the bot /set yourusername.
  2. Use any of the above commands (except /set) without your username.
                      Example:  /user /squads3 /recent /compare TSM_Myth                                  
  3. The bot will use the username that you set with /set yourusername for your stats.

Demo of /set



Contributions are greatly appreciated!

                              #                1. Fork the bot and clone it to your computer              $ git clone $              cd              fortnite-bot                              #                2. Connect your fork with this repo to stay up to date on any changes              $ git remote add upstream                              #                3. Make your feature branch              $ git checkout -b new-feature                              #                4. Add and commit the changes you made              $ git add              .              $ git commit -m                              "Added new feature"                                            #                5. Push to your branch              $ git push origin new-feature                              #                6. Create a pull request on GitHub            

Alternatively, feel free to open an issue.


Go to the changelog here! Releases start at v2.0.1 because I didn't know how to use git tags before then and never updated version numbers in package.json.


Powered by Fortnite Tracker API and fortnite.js.


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